Sunday 20 March 2011

Prompt 11: Four Lines

Write or type these four lines* at random onto a page…

“its kneading mouth”

“forgive me”

“arms full of fire”

“they were delicious”

Then go back to the top of the page and start writing, being aware as you do that you will need to incorporate these lines into whatever it is you are writing.  Resist the urge to move them from their spot on the page.  If you can’t make it make sense, then so be it.  If you can let go of a need to control and let in a bit of chaos, who knows what might happen.

If you'd like to share what you've written, however rough or polished, post it on your blog and leave a comment below with your post's url.  At least one of us will come over and read it.

Thank you.

*These lines come from two poems, Dylan Thomas's Ceremony After a Fire Raid and William Carlos Williams' This is just to say.

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