Sunday, 4 December 2011

Prompt 43 - in reverse

It's nearly the end of the year, and with the end of the year the 26n project will be drawing to a close. This got me thinking about endings, and beginnings. And this, in turn, made me think of this week's prompt.

Take a story or poem you've already written, and try retelling it, in a different order, ideally in reverse, from the end to the start. You might have to play about with it a bit, so that is is still understandable, but by the time you put down your pen you should have arrived at the start, with something that makes (new) sense! Or maybe not, but I hope it'll be fun playing anyhow!

26n is drawing to a close, but if you feel like sharing before the end of the year, as ever, the invite is open...

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