Monday 5 September 2011

Prompt 30 ~ Live with a poem

This exercise was inspired by Fiona & Kaspa’s podcast on poetry. 

Pick a poem – any poem as long as it’s by someone else, not one of your own.  It can be one you know and love or one that’s completely new to you. 

Now, this is important: once you’ve picked the poem, you cannot go back and pick a different one, no matter how much you are tempted to.  Try to live with whatever feelings come up – even resistance or sudden dislike for some aspect of it, expected or unexpected.  Let the feelings come up, take note of them and then let them be. 

Over the week, take the time to read the poem slowly, meditating on the meaning of each line.  Try not to get too caught up in the literal meanings of the words but focus more on the images or feelings that emerge when you read the lines.  You might want to write down the things that come up for you during this process.

The idea is to live with the poem for a few days, until you’ve learned it by heart, until you can feel each line. 

Once you’ve done this, take the title of the poem and write your own poem in response to that title.

If you’d like to share what you’ve come up with, however rough or polished, post it on your blog and leave a comment below with your post's url.  At least one of us will come over and read it.


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